Star Sign Personality Traits
April 20 - May 20
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Birthstone: Emerald
Patient and reliable practical tolerant
Warmhearted and loving Romantic
Persistent and determined
Placid and security loving
Jealous and possessive suspicious
Resentful and inflexible stubborn
Self-indulgent and greedy material
Resistant to change unless they see advantages
Not open to criticism
May 21 - June 20
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Birthstone: Pearl
Adaptable and versatile
Communicative and witty
Intellectual and eloquent
Youthful and lively active and cheerful
Inattention, and restlessness
Nervous and tense
Superficial and inconsistent unpredictable
Cunning and inquisitive
Coming Soon
Compatibility Chart
July 23 - August 22
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Birthstone: Peridot
Generous and warmhearted
Independent and reliable natural leaders
Creative and enthusiastic Intelligent
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving
Forgiving Honest
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant
Tactless competitive
Proud and superior